You finally got your hand on your credit report from one of the credit bureaus, and you realized some essential information in your report is wrong. What now? How do you dispute it? According...
Category: Finance
21 Best Credit Cards in South Africa 2022 (Beginners, Everyday Use & Entrepreneurs)
When looking for credit cards online usually you'll usually find a bunch of credit cards thrown into a single list with no order. That said, I decided to make my list a lot more organized. I...
Don't be fooled. When it comes to getting your credit report and credit score in South Africa, you shouldn't have to pay any money, and after reading this guide, you won't. All South Africans...
4 Best Methods To Buy & Sell Bitcoin To Cash In South Africa
Buying and selling bitcoin can be a bit tricky especially if you're not tech-savvy. That said, I'm going to make this how-to guide as simple as possible by offering you 5 different methods you...
I was browsing through the FNB App a few days ago, and I stumbled across this cool feature that allows you to check your FNB (First National Bank) credit score. The best part? It's completely...